Friends. Geeks. Veterans. Parents. Nerds. Gamers.

The Ritual Misery Podcast

Reprieve from Misery

Back in 2014, Amos had a wonderful idea. Having just returned from a deployment, he wanted to find a way to reconnect with his high school best friend Kent. The two had spent years apart and grown as fathers, geeks, husbands, and men, but had spent nearly a decade with barely keeping in touch.

Initially, Amos was inspired to create some Vlogbrothers-style videos on YouTube with Kent and Amos alternating creating videos about their life and family. This was an immense and nearly complete failure. Not only did they underestimate the time commitment it would take to create the videos, but they also overestimated their on-screen, solo charisma.

Then Amos heard Tom Merritt explain how you could create a podcast at nearly no cost. Thus the Ritual Misery podcast was born.

Over the next eight years, the two would share amazing conversations with each other and literally hundreds of guests. At its peak, the podcast was getting upwards of 300 downloads per episode and was funded by a Patreon of several dozen avid fans.

Over the past few years, Kent and Amos have individually experienced several life changes. While they tried to share what they could, there is so much more than just wasn’t made public. As a result, the podcast entered a period of severe irregularity. After many attempts to recommit to the podcast, it’s time to recognize that’s just not feasible at this point in time.

It’s with a sad heart that Kent and Amos are officially placing the Ritual Misery Podcast into hiatus. That’s not to say it’s gone forever, but after eight years and nearly 300 episodes it is time to step away.

The Ritual Misery crew will still be part of the greater DiamondClub and Frogpants communities. And they’ll still continue with what they feel is their greatest contribution to the community, the Diamond Club New Years Eve Streamathon.

Your listenership, your friendship, your companionship, and your patronage has made an immeasurable impact on both Kent and Amos, their families, and their lives.

For now, however, it’s time to sign off.

Thank you for listening. This has been your Ritual Misery Podcast.